Quality & Environment

Pozzoli spa > Quality & Environment

A sustainable and responsible company, creating eco-friendly packaging

For us at Pozzoli, sustainability means responsibility; it means seeing our work as a positive force that, in addition to doing business, is actively committed to creating a better society. We believe that our future depends on the social, ethical and environmental commitment we all make. Every day we do our best to make our business more responsible through the creation of sustainable packaging that respects the environment.


Towards people

Our commitment starts with the guarantee of a safe and healthy workplace for the women and men who are part of our organisation. In compliance with the most stringent international standards and regulations, but also with the ethical values that have always characterised the company. Since 2000 these are summarised in our Code of Ethics (read more). The result is a work environment that bans all forms of discrimination, be it gender, religious, political, age or sexual orientation, and that values the differences and potential of each one of us.

Supporting the environment

For us at Pozzoli, environmental commitment is not limited to recognising the intrinsic value of our resources, but translates into a constant commitment to reduce the overall impact of our work on the environment. We achieve this through the careful selection of materials with the best characteristics and most appropriate industrial processes to create any packaging. Our processes are aimed at reducing energy and optimising natural resources while promoting eco-friendly packaging that is becoming increasingly plastic free. Pozzoli’s commitment to sustainability is expressed through its Integrated Policy on Quality, Environment, Health and Safety (read more), in strict accordance with UNI EN UN ISO 9001:2015, UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 and UNI EN ISO 45001:2018 certifications. But not just that: since 2007 we boast FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®) chain-of-custody certification, while we have been part of the PEFC (Programme for Endorsement of Forest Certification Scheme) since 2008 (read more). These are certifications that include the company’s aim to create ever-more sustainable packaging.

Pozzoli ambiente
packaging ecologici

The “Pozzoli Forest”

If responsibility is a propensity towards response, Pozzoli decided to translate its environmental response to action: by creating the “Pozzoli Forest” in collaboration with Treedom (read more).

Located in nine different Countries and three continents – Africa, America and Asia – our forest was born in 2020 and is already growing, so much so that today houses 800 fruit trees of different species – such as Cacao tree, Coffee tree, the Moringa and the Grevillea.

This forest is our added contribution to reducing CO2 globally, protecting biodiversity, combating soil erosion, and is a real support for the local economy. This is not just a gift to future generations, but a tangible commitment to reduce our environmental impact and to promote a more sustainable lifestyle among our partners, suppliers and customers.

A commitment that Pozzoli has promoted among all its customers by giving them the opportunity to adopt trees.
But not just that, on behalf of all Pozzoli’s partners, a particular tree was planted in our forest, a large Grevillea. A tenacious plant that stands proudly and, like the Pozzoli spirit, is capable of withstanding even the most adverse conditions. It takes care of others, protecting young plants from the wind, transforming itself into animal feed and, through nitrogen fixation, improving the quality of the soil from which it draws life.

trees already planted
kg of CO2 already captured

The trees that Pozzoli has already planted remove 133.380 kg of CO2. What’s more, the forest created in collaboration with Treedom finances local communities, supporting their work in the early years when the trees are still not productive.

These communities thus receive the know-how and technical support needed for planting and managing the trees, providing them with food security and income opportunities over time.